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Virtual Reality

Ever wondered what it is like to transport yourself to a different world? VR makes it possible. From immersive gaming experiences to lifelike simulations, explore the enchanting realms that VR unfolds. Join us as we demystify the technology behind VR and showcase its myriad applications in industries and entertainment.

Your audience will achieve agency within the space and be able to move about and manipulate the space they are in - either by using controllers or hand tracking.

VR is an incredibly powerful medium that can strongly impact empathy and understanding.

  • Interactive VR is categorised as a 6-DOF experience (6-degrees of freedom) referring to the freedom of body movement in a three-dimensional space.

  • Using special software, we create and design everything in three dimensions (3D). This includes the landscapes, characters, and all the cool things you'll interact with. It's like shaping a virtual playground. Creators program the virtual world to respond to your actions. If you want to pick up an object, they make sure your virtual hand can grab it. If you decide to walk, the world moves with you. It's all about making the experience feel real and exciting.

  • Companies use Interactive VR to demonstrate product functionalities of a product, for training, for learning purposes or showcasing at conferences. Interactive VR can easily be customized for your specific needs. It is also used for artistic purposes and cultural learning such as museums exhibition.

Augmented Reality

AR bridges the gap between the physical and digital, overlaying information seamlessly onto your real-world environment. Dive into the intricacies of AR with MANND, where we unravel its potential in transforming how we learn, work, and interact. From interactive marketing to hands-on training, AR is redefining what's possible.

With AR you can add graphic, sounds and interactive choices to the real world.

  • Augmented Reality (AR) is a digital layer that expands into our physical world by adding layers of digital information on top of it through a screen.

  • Creating Augmented Reality (AR) experiences involves a combination of creative design, coding, and utilizing AR development tools.

  • AR is an amazing tool in marketing and sales such as product showcasing. Especially good for interactive product visualization, engaging marketing and advertising and ducational and training tools.

Cinematic 360 video

Imagine a film where the scene isn't just in front of you, but all around you. Cinematic 360 videos redefine storytelling by providing a panoramic canvas for creators to paint their narratives. From breathtaking landscapes to intimate encounters, this is filmmaking that immerses and transcends.

The footage is captured with a 360 camera and is easily distributed through Facebook, Youtube, Vimeo, Google Cardboard or a VR head mount. .

  • The technical definition for cinematic 360 video is “3dof” (3 degrees of freedom) where audiences can tilt their head in the x, y & z axis. Stretching the footage spherically means that you can place your audience within that scene through a VR head mount - being able to examine every angle of the space and making it feel as if they are actually there.

  • The VR film footage is captured with a 360 camera. The VR production is similar to a traditional film production, with a set, camera and light crew and sometimes actors.

  • Many use live-action 360 video for showcasing environments or situations that would otherwise not be easily accessible to the audiences like abroad travel, tourist attractions, private territories, and even vulnerable territories such as war zones or sweat shops.

3D Scanning

Through the technique of Photogrammetry we can convert real-life objects into 3D models. This can be items such as funitures, clothes or even humans, rooms and buildnings.

Photogrammetry models are essentially 3D objects that can be used for both virtual reality, augmented reality and for 2D screen experiences.

  • The principle is generating 3D content from 2D sources, like a photo. But instead of capturing just one photo, try taking two hundred and above and run it through a render engine that converts a 3D model from it.

  • The VR film footage is captured with a 360 camera. The VR production is similar to a traditional film production, with a set, camera and light crew and sometimes actors.

  • 3D objects created can be used for both VR, AR and for 2D screen experiences. Many retailers are looking into scanning products for being shown online. But there are many different ways of using photogrammetry, you can also scan locations and human beings.

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